Why Iran?
Due to its natural resources and talents and benefiting from favorable weather conditions, Iran is connected from the north to the Caspian Sea and from the south to the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman. Iran's neighbors are: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan in the north, Turkey and Iraq in the west, Afghanistan and Pakistan in the east. In fact, Iran forms a bridge between the lands of the Far East and the Mediterranean Sea and Europe.
According to the Organizational Report of Iran Tourism, it has the 10th ancient and historical rank and the 5th rank of natural attractions.
  Considering the favorable conditions, as well as highly advanced medical centers and experienced professors and facilities and equipment on the one hand, and reasonable treatment costs compared to Turkey, India and European countries on the other hand, Iran is considered as a suitable scientific and medical hub. He has raised the direction of selecting foreign patients in the world.
Considering the natural attractions of Iran and the possibility of using therapeutic waters, the tourism office of this center can provide a suitable guide for foreign patients with the doctor's opinion.
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